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Scientific Principles For Effective Muscle Gain

It's an unfortunate reality that throughout the years there has been a growth of strength training techniques that have no scientific proof to back them up. Have a look at the facts presented in this outline of muscle gain principles and make up your own mind. Below you will find Scientific Guidelines for strength training that have always been...

Bodybuilding Supplements may not be Necessary.

To supplement or not to supplement – that is the question on more bodybuilder’s lips than ever before. Are they safe? What works and what doesn't? Lets have a look at the basics. There are various reasons why athletes may be interested in supplementation. - Concern about getting adequate nutrients from our food supply. - Suspicion of pharmaceuticals. -...

15 Muscle Building Rules For Skinny Guys And Gals! (Part 2)

In part 1, I touched on general weight gain rules and reasons why you can't gain weight. Now it's time to get into workout specifics... WORKOUT RULES 4. Stop listening to every ridiculous piece of advice you hear in the gym or read on a message board. Recently a client...

15 Muscle Building Rules For Skinny Guys And Gals! (Part 1)

WHY CAN'T YOU GAIN WEIGHT? Though there may be many reasons why you may be thin, the most apparent reason is because of your genetics. If your parents are naturally thin or have a small body frame, then you will most likely have the same small body type. To some degree, your size can also be controlled by your metabolism. If you have a difficult...

Why Crunches and Sit Ups do NOT Get You Six Pack Abs

Doing countless crunches and sit ups are by far the most common exercise mistake for anyone who wants to slim down their midsection. The thought is that doing hundreds of crunches and sit ups will work the abs so hard that the fat covering them will disappear. If this were...

Easy Way To Build Muscle

Essentially if you plan to make any gains you must adhere  to these principles in order to be successful. They are as  follows:  1) Eat Enough  Good Enough to Eat - Cuisine (Photo credit: ZagatBuzz) Some bodybuilders think that starving themselves...

How To Gain Muscle Naturally... No Steroids Necessary!

Wondering how to gain muscle? There are many fads, gimmicks and "quick fixes" to be found, but there is really only one healthy way to gain muscle mass. You don't need to be gifted with great genetics or use potentially dangerous illegal hormones or steroids. The "how to gain...

Myoblast Protein Cookie team

Myoblast Protein cookie is a healthy snack alternative made with Whey protein isolates, oat flour and Agave. It was designed by both Brendan Schenck, who is a personal trainer, fitness enthusiast, and a seasoned chef, working at the decorated restaurant NOBU 57 in New York...