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How to Develop Explosive Arms Using Only Dumbbells

How to Develop Explosive Arms Using Only Dumbbells

We all admire certain guys who are able to maintain that perfect, clothes-filling upper body physique.  The majority of guys that are around my age (38) used to look up to guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and even John Claude Van Damme to a certain extent.  We loved how they looked with their clothes on, as well as, off.  One thing you were sure to envy, whether they were dressed or undressed, was their “extremely defined muscular arms”.  But in real life, you seldom saw people with similar physics.
But in more recent times, physiques have started to improve as a result of better training techniques as well as people possessing superior knowledge on diets.
The key to achieving that almost perfect body is mastering and perfecting the targeting of each muscle, from the hands, all the way up to the shoulders.  I have devised a simple 15 minute plan that only requires a set of dumbbells and a bench.  Therefore this routine can be performed almost anywhere, but like I say to all of my clients, there is no substitute for hitting the gym.  The key in this routine is the “fixed” recovery period that should not last one iota longer than one minute.
To begin with, you will need to read this article in its entirety, and then visualize how and where you plan to perform the exercises that I have set out.
Here goes…
The Concentration CurlThe Concentration Curl
You start this position by sitting on the end of the bench, with your knees positioned fractionally wider than the width of your shoulders, making sure that your feet remain flat at all times.  Simply place one dumbbell in your right hand and “rest” the back of your elbow on your inner right thigh.  Next, slowly “curl” the dumbbell in a very controlled motion up towards your right shoulder. You should make sure that the rest of your body remains completely still.  To start off with, perform 10 reps before switching sides.  Once you get used to performing this exercise, you can increase your reps, as well as weight, to what you want.
The Triceps ExtensionThe Triceps Extension
By positioning yourself comfortably on a bench, hold one dumbbell with the both of your hands.  As you are using two hands on one dumbbell, it might be a good idea to increase the weight from what you were using during the concentration curl.  Raise the dumbbell above your head until it is in a vertical position, perfectly in line with your spine (which should be perfectly straight).  Whilst concentrating on bracing your core, lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your arms until your forearms make contact with your biceps. After that, simply reverse the motion back to the starting point where your arms are once again vertical and in line with your spine.  You must ensure that your upper arms remain completely still throughout the motion.  To start off with, perform 10 reps, and when you feel comfortable doing this exercise you can increase your reps, as well as weight.
The Wrist CurlThe Wrist Curl
Seat yourself comfortably, with your knees slightly apart and your feet firmly flat on the ground. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and with your palms facing upwards, lean slightly forward so you are able to “rest” your forearms comfortably on your thighs, leaving your wrists hanging off your knees. Using only your wrists, begin curling the weight up, going high as possible.  You can alternate this movement by having your palms facing downwards and bending your wrists upwards.  I recommend that you do 10 reps in each direction.
The Hammer CurlThe Hammer Curl
By sitting on the edge off your bench, and holding a dumbbell in each hand, let your arms “dangle” by your sides.  Ensuring that your back is perfectly upright, slowly curled the weights upwards until your thumbs reach your shoulders.  Make sure that you hold and squeeze for a moment, before slowly lowering your arms again.  You can quite easily vary this exercise so your wrists are facing backwards when your arms are in the “dangling” position.  I recommend that you start off by performing 10 reps in each position.
The Cross Shoulder ExtensionThe Cross Shoulder Extension
Adjust your bench to an incline position where your body is positioned at a roughly 45 degrees angle.  Make sure you are in a comfortable position, and hold a fairly light dumbbell in your left hand with your palm facing inwards, so it is nearly touching your right bicep (remember! CROSS shoulder extension).   With your right hand, support the arm by holding your left elbow.  Begin by raising the weight to an upright position and then slowly bringing it back down again.  Remember, always use very slow and controlled movements the whole time.  
Mirror the same exercise with your right hand.  To begin with, perform 10 reps and switch arms and so forth.
The Standing Butterfly (Scaption)The Standing Butterfly (Scaption)
Stand upright whilst holding fairly light dumbbells by your thighs, ensuring that your palms are pretty much facing each other.  Concentrate on keeping your arms straight as possible; slowly raise them both in front of you until they get to “eye level”.  Slowly lower your arms back down to the start position.  This is the best exercise to finish off your arms routine as it hits your wrists, forearms, biceps, triceps and even your outer shoulders.  Perform 10 reps to start off with, and as you go along you can increase the weight as well as the reps.
I recommend that you implement this exercise for a four-week period and I guarantee you will see and feel the difference.
Author Information...James McDuffy currently works for this leading muscle building website.  James has worked in the health and fitness industry for the last 15 years.  He is a fully qualified personal trainer and nutritionist and a former semi-professional bodybuilder.

The Best 8 Food For Fat Loss

The question “What shall I eat go get fit?” is probably one of the most popular questions ever asked. We all want to enjoy the delicious meals and stay slim and healthy at the same time. Most of us cannot resist the temptation of eating something high calorie and awfully tasty and think, “I will burn these calories in the gym tomorrow”. But it’s far not the best strategy. It’s much better and effective to combine intensive exercising with healthy, fat-burning meals. And it’s a common misunderstanding that healthy food cannot be tasty! Just check this list and try yourself:

1. Avocados for boosting your metabolism. The monounsaturating fat they contain provide burning the fat stored in your body by switching off special hormones responsible for storing it. While protecting the cells against free radicals, it speeds up your metabolism. Avocado is perfect in salads or making a smoothie with other useful products as coconut milk.

2. Salmon for burining belly fat. To achieve this aim, you should eat salmon regularly and then you’ll see the result. This is done due to the high concentration of Omega-3, which helps to improve insulin sensitivity. And by activating the thyroid hormone it improves your metabolism as well. Salmon will do in the salad or simply smoked.

3. Oysters for classy dinner. Oysters are extremely low in calories - 6 oysters contain about 50 calories. In addition to that, zinc they contain helps you to lower your appetite.

4. Get a cinnamon spice! It moves glucose faster to your cells and ensures the faster weight loss due to this. But to ensure the fat-burining effect, you’ve got to eat at least one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day. To make this pleasant, it’s a good idea to add it to smoothies, cocktails or apple pie.

5. Coffee. Yes, in spite of so much negative is often told about caffeine, it has its wonderful benefits! Coffee is a great adrenaline stimulator which switches on the fat burning processes in your body. A cup of coffee before the training will make the training more intensive and productive. The only thing is coffee should be black and contain caffeine.

6. Chili peppers. Capsaicin that is contained in chili warms up your body and makes it burns the fat intensively. Chili will do in any kind - dried, powdered or even raw. Add them everywhere when cooking meals - it’s up to you how much you can add!

7. Have a cup of green tea. As the researchers report, drinking four cups of green tea a day can help you lose about 6 pounds of weight in two months. What is more, green tea is extremely rich in antioxidants and it helps you to stay young longer.

8. Enjoy the fresh grapefruit. Grapefruit has several wonderful benefits. At first, it lowers the insulin levels. At second, it regulates the blood sugar and speeds up your metabolism. A glass of fresh grapefruit juice would be a wonderful idea!

I think you can continue this list basind on your personal experience. And what is the mutual benefit of all these foods is that they’re completely natural and will not damage your health as artificial weigh loss medicine can do. So, become fitter and healthier!

About the author: Paul Smith is a freelance writer. His rich life experience is the main base of his writings at custom paper writing service and his guest posts. Feel free to contact Paul at Google+.