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The Best 8 Food For Fat Loss

The question “What shall I eat go get fit?” is probably one of the most popular questions ever asked. We all want to enjoy the delicious meals and stay slim and healthy at the same time. Most of us cannot resist the temptation of eating something high calorie and awfully tasty and think, “I will burn these calories in the gym tomorrow”. But it’s far not the best strategy. It’s much better and effective to combine intensive exercising with healthy, fat-burning meals. And it’s a common misunderstanding that healthy food cannot be tasty! Just check this list and try yourself:

1. Avocados for boosting your metabolism. The monounsaturating fat they contain provide burning the fat stored in your body by switching off special hormones responsible for storing it. While protecting the cells against free radicals, it speeds up your metabolism. Avocado is perfect in salads or making a smoothie with other useful products as coconut milk.

2. Salmon for burining belly fat. To achieve this aim, you should eat salmon regularly and then you’ll see the result. This is done due to the high concentration of Omega-3, which helps to improve insulin sensitivity. And by activating the thyroid hormone it improves your metabolism as well. Salmon will do in the salad or simply smoked.

3. Oysters for classy dinner. Oysters are extremely low in calories - 6 oysters contain about 50 calories. In addition to that, zinc they contain helps you to lower your appetite.

4. Get a cinnamon spice! It moves glucose faster to your cells and ensures the faster weight loss due to this. But to ensure the fat-burining effect, you’ve got to eat at least one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day. To make this pleasant, it’s a good idea to add it to smoothies, cocktails or apple pie.

5. Coffee. Yes, in spite of so much negative is often told about caffeine, it has its wonderful benefits! Coffee is a great adrenaline stimulator which switches on the fat burning processes in your body. A cup of coffee before the training will make the training more intensive and productive. The only thing is coffee should be black and contain caffeine.

6. Chili peppers. Capsaicin that is contained in chili warms up your body and makes it burns the fat intensively. Chili will do in any kind - dried, powdered or even raw. Add them everywhere when cooking meals - it’s up to you how much you can add!

7. Have a cup of green tea. As the researchers report, drinking four cups of green tea a day can help you lose about 6 pounds of weight in two months. What is more, green tea is extremely rich in antioxidants and it helps you to stay young longer.

8. Enjoy the fresh grapefruit. Grapefruit has several wonderful benefits. At first, it lowers the insulin levels. At second, it regulates the blood sugar and speeds up your metabolism. A glass of fresh grapefruit juice would be a wonderful idea!

I think you can continue this list basind on your personal experience. And what is the mutual benefit of all these foods is that they’re completely natural and will not damage your health as artificial weigh loss medicine can do. So, become fitter and healthier!

About the author: Paul Smith is a freelance writer. His rich life experience is the main base of his writings at custom paper writing service and his guest posts. Feel free to contact Paul at Google+.